Shaping the future of humankind

MIT AeroAstro

MIT AeroAstro educates future leaders, engineers, and entrepreneurs who will push the boundaries of aerospace technology. They aim to build an inclusive community that values technical excellence and creates innovative aerospace systems with global impact.

With a partnership of over 15 years, we were over the moon (pun intended) to bring MIT AeroAstro’s logo — that we designed over a decade ago — to life in a new way with a redesigned website, featuring an expanded visual identity and color palette that we established in their latest strategic plan.




Marketing Materials

Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development


Logo Design

Visual Identity


AeroAstro Website

CMYK: 80, 14, 4, 0

RGB: 0, 164, 213

HEX: #00A8DA

CMYK: 100, 79, 12, 1

RGB: 82, 52, 165

HEX: #5234A5

CMYK: 79, 92, 0, 0

RGB: 0, 77, 144

HEX: #004D90

CMYK: 1, 14, 100, 0

RGB: 254, 212, 30


CMYK: 0, 66, 100, 0

RGB: 245, 126, 32

HEX: #F57E20

Website design

When creating websites, we make purposeful decisions about design and consider both the website visitors as well as the web administrators. We built in a lot of automation, so related content such as faculty profiles and impact stories could be displayed on different pages without adding to the site admin workload. The researcher profiles provide consistent information for each person while allowing for individualization of information. Fun fact: one of the researchers had a Barbie doll created to acknowledge her achievements!

Engaging animation

The new AeroAstro website features animation on the homepage that is not only visually engaging for a user when they land, but also is a subtle nod to air streams. Scrolling down, you will find a variety of content and animated icons to engage users. We style of the icons reflect patches that are so unique to pilots and astronauts. The icons serve as a visual highlight not only on the homepage but also on the people profiles and research areas.

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