
Brand Insights • Brand Strategy • Logo Design • Visual Identity

Brand Insights

Every brand is an interdependent ecosystem. We’ll help you better understand audiences, peers, competitors, and stakeholders — ensuring your brand is original, relevant, and moves people into action. Brand insights include: Audience Profiles, Communications Audits, Competitor Analysis, Perception Analysis, and Stakeholder Interviews.

Brand Strategy

A thoughtful brand strategy is the sound foundation from which meaningful value in your organization is derived — and all content is created. Building upon our proprietary frameworks, we custom craft the strategic essentials you and your team need to amplify and accelerate your brand.

Brand strategy at Opus includes: Brand Architecture, Brand Persona, Brand Story, Core Values, Mission & Vision, Naming, Organizational Purpose, Points of Difference, Positioning, and Tagline Development.

Logo Design

A successful logo is a compelling, visual expression of your brand. Born from your brand attributes and goals, we design identity systems — word marks, combination marks, and letterforms — that are timeless, unforgettable, adaptable, and made to stand apart.

Visual Identity

As former brand managers and marketing executives ourselves, we know the value and lasting impact of a well defined, aligned, and cohesive visual identity. With meticulous attention to color, typography, photography, use cases, and platforms, we build style guides and robust brand books that ensure your brand’s consistency, longevity, and lasting impact.